Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Cloudflare Dns Updater

I created this simple utility to keep my home dynamic IP updated against a cloudflare A record. This is useful if you need to access your home resources through a public DNS but dont have a static IP.

The source is at https://github.com/sanjaysingh/cloudflarednsupdater

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

AspNet Core: Appsettings from environment variables gotcha

Changes to environment variables are not refreshed until you restart the Visual Studio. This can be frustrating if you make some change and expect it to reflect in the application.
This is not new to AspNet core but rather a generic Visual Studio (or any Windows Process for that matter) behavior but it is more visible in the AspNet core because Environment Variables configuration is initialized by default and it is easy to forget the gotcha of restarting. Re-running the application does not help.

Sunday, July 02, 2017

Actions lift property should match the RxJs profile

There is a breaking change in TypeScript version 2.4.1+ and it breaks the hosted VSTS projects if you have not specifically specified typescript version in the package.json file.

Fix the typescript version to 2.4.0 to fix this.

- "typescript": "^2.2.1"
+ "typescript": "2.4.0"

See a related thread here

Saturday, May 21, 2016

.Net Core - Hello World from command line

.Net Core is now RC2 and is hopefully going to be stable and not see major changes. Some very basic developmental structural changes happened across RC1 and RC2 so this is never guaranteed though. RC2 has much cleaner and consistent (with other programming languages) development experience which usually is something like following.

  1. Download and install the language
  2. Create a program
  3. Compile and run it
You can follow these steps below to get up and running with your first .Net core Hello World project.
  1. Download and install .Net core from https://www.microsoft.com/net/core#windows
  2. Open command prompt and create a new directory and 'cd' to that directory
    • mkdir newproject
    • cd newproject
  3. Create a new .Net core project in the 'newproject' directory that we created above.
    • dotnet new
  4. Restore all the dependencies for the project
    • dotnet restore
  5. Compile and run
    • dotnet run
That is all. You have your first .Net Core Hello World! program up and running.

I have created a chocolatey pacage so that .Net core SDK can be installed from command like itself. This package is located here.

With chocolatey, the steps then become as follows.

  1. Install .Net core. Note the -pre that is required because it is a prelease version of .net core. It will install latest .Net core which is RC2 as of this post. This installs .net core and updates the PATH so that 'dotnet' command is available from the command prompt.
    • choco install dotnetcoresdk -pre -y
  2. Refresh PATH for current command prompt session. Chocolatey comes up with pretty neat command for this.
    • refreshenv
  3. Create a new project directory and go to that directory
    • mkdir newproject
    • cd newproject
  4. Create new project
    • dotnet new
  5. Restore all the dependencies for the project
    • dotnet restore
  6. Compile and run
    • dotnet run
That's it. You have a.net core application running while never had to leave the command prompt.

Sunday, May 01, 2016

RabbitMQ Connection String Gotcha

RabbitMQ connection strings looks like following

or for amqp over SSL/TLS it looks like following

One very important thing to always keep in mind is that username, password and vhost should be pct-encoded. If the password, for example, is #asd49d$ then the amqp connection string will become as follows-

It is very well documented here.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Secure Web Application Practices - Account Management

In this post, I am going to cover some of the best practices around account management. Account Management covers things like 'account registration', 'forget password', 'remember me', 'password storage', etc.
Following are account management practices that one should consider to minimize the risk of breach.

  • Password Storage: Always use cryptographically strong password hashing (not encryption) to store passwords. There are only a few cases you want to store password in encrypted (and not hashed) format. Always use some random credential-specific salt with the hashing algorithm you are using. This makes the hashes non-predictable and hard to reverse even if you are using simple algorithms like MD5. For the hashing algorithm, prefer from one of the followings (in the order of preference):
    • Argon2
    • PBKDF2 
    • scrypt
    • bcrypt 
  • Registration: 
    • There are pros and cons to whether to use email address or free text username for the login id. While there is privacy concern for the use of email, requiring a different username is a little bit of inconvenience on the user end. Some sites do allow both which is a better option because it leaves the option in the user's hand.
    • Require strong password with a mix of alphanumeric and special characters. Do not limit users with use of any special characters as much as possible. Always have a limit of the minimum length of the password. It is always better to have a very high maximum limit on the length of the passwords. It allows for people to use pass phrases and use super strong passwords. If one is using any password manager, then length of the password does not matter anyway because you don't have to remember it. 
    • Do not disable pasting of password from clipboard. There is almost no valid reason to disallow users from pasting a password. It in fact discourages users to select a strong password, particularly when you use some kind of password manager to generate a strong password first and then want to use that.
    • Verify account via email. Always require the user to verify the account by sending some email to their account and then requiring them to verifying by going to some auto generated unique link. This prevents spammers and also ensure authenticity of the user. You don't want somebody else registering using your email address!
    • Protect against account enumeration. Do not disclose the existence of a user account. Always throw a generic message that do not disclose whether or not the user being registered exists or not. While in some cases it might be a privacy concern because somebody can find if you are registered in a dating site for instance, in other cases it might be used for a brute force attacks.
    • Use CAPTCHA for anti automation. It is very easy to automate Http requests to a website and that is true for automate the registration using some common names and flood the server. Use of CAPTCHA will protect against this kind of attacks.
  • Logon:
    • Protect against account enumeration attacks. You should not disclose existence of a user account in the login error messages. "Login for User foo: invalid password", "Login failed, invalid user ID", "Login failed; account disabled", "Login failed; this user is not active" are bad messages. The correct message would be "Login failed; Invalid userID or password" irrespective of whether password is incorrect or the userid is not registered.
    • Protect against brute force: Use CAPTCHA to prevent automated logins. Also, have some minimum duration between two login attempts. For instance, do not allow login request if last login attempt was less than 30 seconds away. The idea is to introduce some kind of limit or delay when you see brute force kind of attack on the server.
    • Employ two-factor authentication: This option can be employed optionally to better secure the user login. In the mechanism, you use user's phone or secondary email address to send a temporary one time password that you require before they can login. This adds little bit of inconvenience to the user but can optionally be provided for users so that they can selectivity opt in.
  • Remember Me:
    • The first choice will be to see if you can live without this feature. Remember Me is usually not a good option for high value applications. For this reason you don't see remember me feature on bank websites.
    • Use a specific Secure HttpOnly cookie for Remember Me. Do not store username/password in the cookie. 
    • Set cookie expiry to be as minimal as you can afford for your application. 
    • Require user to re-authenticate before they can perform any sensitive operation. For instance, ask user to provide 'old password'  when they try to change their password.
  • Password Reset:
    • Do not send password in the email. That is true for both when registering a new user or when resetting password. Emails are unsafe and usually lie in unencrypted form on the servers.
    • Use time limited reset token. Generate a link to send this to user to the registered email and they have to click on this link to set the new password. Link should expire after the first use or when the validity time period (should be very less, may be an hour) has expired.
    • Use security questions. This is another approach that can be taken to verify authenticity of the user before you allow them to change the password.
  • Log Off:
    • Expire session on the server. See if you can keep some kind of expiry for user sessions. For instance, it might be reasonable to log off user after 20 minutes of inactivity. As with everything else, it depends on the nature of the site. It might be inconvenience of some sites, like social media sites for instance.
    • Protect against CSRF. As with Login and other forms, this is also a probable candidate for CSRF attacks and this should be protected against CSRF attacks.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Secure Web Application Practices - HTTP Headers

HTTP Headers play a very important role in security of a web application. Some of the headers pose a security risk and so should be removed while others help prevent against different kinds of attacks so should be added.
Following are same best practices with respect to HTTP headers.

Remove headers revealing too much information about server

Revealing information about server increases your attack surface and makes the attacker job easier in case a vulnerability is found on the given server. These headers usually do not add any value to the application so they should better be turned off. Following are some headers for Aspnet MVC application that can safely be stripped.
  • X-AspNet-Version: It can be easily stipped in web.config as follows.
<system.web> <httpRuntime enableVersionHeader="false" /> </system.web>
  • X-AspNetMvc-Version: It can be easily stripped in global.asax application_start as follows.
MvcHandler.DisableMvcResponseHeader = true;
  • X-Powered-By: It can be stripped in web.config as follows.
            <clear />
  • Server: This is a little bit tricy to remove. This is written by IIS and it is not very safe to try to remove it from with Asp Net. It can removed using Http Modules but is not recommended using article here. A better approach is to use UrlScan as mentioned by Troy Hunt here.

Add Security Headers

There are several security headers recommended in the Http sepc and implemented by many browsers that should be leveraged as a layer of defense aganst verious kinds of attacks. Here are some headers that can be used.
    • HTTP String Transport Security (HSTS): HSTS instructs the browser that you only want to load secure version of that site. This reduces impact of bugs in application leaking session data through cookies and external links and defends against Man-in-the-middle attacks. HSTS also disables the ability for users to ignore SSL negotiation warnings.
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=16070400; includeSubDomains;preload
HSTS suffers from what is called Trust-on-first-use (TOFU) because the site must be loaded first in order to get the HSTS header. So you do have small risk window when the site is loaded over an unsecure connection. ‘preload’ is used to solve exactly this problem. This is still a pretty new concept and not many websites are using this. You have to register your domain to preload list here. More details on HSTS here.
    • HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP): HPKP allows public certificates to be whitelisted to protect in case you CA (Certificate Authority) is compromised and so someone else can actually present a forged certifficate on your behalf.
Public-Key-Pins: pin-sha256="<sha256>"; pin-sha256="<sha256>"; max-age=15768000; includeSubDomains
You should create backup pins and short max age to mitigate risk like expired certificate, etc. More details on HKPK here.
    • Content Security Policy (CSP): CSP s a way of whitelisting what your site is allowed to run. It is quite comprehensive and contains many directive. You can control your script sources, stylesheet sources, font sources, etc. Following is content security policy that Facebook sends as of today.
content-security-policy:default-src * data: blob:;script-src *.facebook.com *.fbcdn.net *.facebook.net *.google-analytics.com *.virtualearth.net *.google.com* *.spotilocal.com:* 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net fbcdn-static-b-a.akamaihd.net *.atlassolutions.com blob: chrome-extension://lifbcibllhkdhoafpjfnlhfpfgnpldfl;style-src * 'unsafe-inline' data:;connect-src *.facebook.com *.fbcdn.net *.facebook.net *.spotilocal.com:* *.akamaihd.net wss://*.facebook.com:* https://fb.scanandcleanlocal.com:* *.atlassolutions.com attachment.fbsbx.com blob:* http://*.serialpodcast.org https://*.serialpodcast.org;
More details on Content Security Policy here.
    • X-Frame-Options: To improve the protection of web applications against Clickjacking attack this directive tells the browser what is the allowed policy on whether this site can be hosted inside iFrame of another website. Valid values are deny, sameorigin and allow-from.
X-Frame-Options: deny
    • X-XSS-Protection: This header enables Cross Site Scripting filter built into most recent web browsers. This is not widely suppoted by all browsers but as with all security measures, there is no harm in adding another level of defense.
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
    • X-Content-Type-Options: The only defined value, "nosniff", prevents Google Chrome and Internet Explorer from trying to mime-sniff the content-type of a response away from the one being declared by the server. It reduces exposure to drive-by downloads and the risks of user uploaded content that, with clever naming, could be treated as a different content-type, like an executable.
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
It is not trivial to manage so many headers and be able to correctly set them. You shoudl prefer some library that can do this job for you. One such very good library for Aspnet is NWebSec.